Introduction to Well Mechanics
Introduction to Well Mechanics
Thursday, November 21, 2024 (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) (EST)
Course: pending Topic F 1.5hrs Instructor: Tim Shotzberger, Home Land Environmental
1. Well Types (10 Minutes)
a. Hand dug
b. Drilled/ bored
i. Artesian
2. Pumps (15 Minutes)
a. Jet
i. 90% inefficient
b. Submersible
i. Standard
ii. Variable speed/ constant pressure
c. Pumps can work fine one day and burn up the next day
3. Pressure tank (15 minutes)
a. Pressure tank
i. Should be sized to the well pump and gpm of the well
b. Pressure switch
i. Primer Switches
ii. Pump on to Pump off given air pressure
c. A proper Yield test should also evaluate the pressure tank
i. air pressure
1. perfect is 2 psi below the pump cut on point
ii. cycle time
1. 1 minute is perfect
2. Longer than that can detect a pump malfunction
3. Shorter than 30 seconds can note a problem
a. The pressure tank should be larger
b. The pressure tank has lost air pressure “water logged”
i. This puts stress on the well pump
c. Faulty pressure switch
4. Aquifers (20 minutes)
a. Confined
b. Unconfined
c. Aquifers in Maryland
i. Refer to Map
d. Why wells are drilled 350’ in AA County
i. Modified yield ok due to gpm and reserve
e. Other wells outside these major aquifers should get a 3-hour yield
5. Well Yields (20 Minutes)
a. Information Gathered
i. Measurement of how much water falls into the well when it is empty
ii. Also helps measure the well’s reserve in gallons
1. A well’s reserve and well yield should both be considered when
addressing the possibility of a homeowner having lack of water
b. Well Yield Types
i. Modified
1. Southern Counties and the Shore; Magothy Aquifer
ii. 3 Hour Test
1. All remaining locations
iii. Baltimore County Regulated (3-6 hour)
1. It’s the only standard in the state for real estate evaluations
a. Requires strict licensing
2. Many well drillers outside of Baltimore County do things differently
iv. Pump test versus Yield Test
v. Functional vs Non Functional Hose Bibs
1. Properly functioning pressure tanks
c. Poor Performing Wells
d. Storage Tanks
e. Hydro fracturing
f. Drilling a new well

2103 Sykesville Road
Westminster, MD 21157 United States
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