Course: 285-0703 Topic: H 3.0hrs Instructor: Taylor Kitzmiller, MD REALTORS
Brief Summary of the outline:
I. Intro: A. Effective Date of Original Law Effective Date of Revision B. Application of Law C. Definition of Terms Generally Applicable Provisions of Law II. Generally Applicable Provisions of Law A. Required contents of a Brokerage Agreement. B. Payment of Compensation DOES NOT create a brokerage relationship. C. Commencement and Expiration of Brokerage Relationship D. Duties Owed by a Licensee to Client and Non-Client E. Duties of Licensee Prior to Entering into a Brokerage Relationship and Following Expiration or Termination of the Brokerage Relationship. F. Specified Allowable Activies of Licensees III. Dual Agency A. Single Licensee Dual Agency Prohibited B. Intra Company Agent C. Dual Agency within a Team IV. Notice to Unrepresented Parties
Sign In: 8:30am Class: 9am - 12pm
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*$30 Charge for NO SHOW FEE without 24-hour notice*
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